Along with your veterinary team, we want you to have information you can trust about facing the loss of your beloved pet.

​It’s not easy to face loss. Yet, experts say the process may be a bit easier to bear when you make key decisions before your pet dies. These decisions might include determining:

  • who may want to see your pet to say good-bye
  • where you hope to say your final good-byes
  • what you wish to do with your pet’s body

Making these decisions before your pet dies may help you be:

  • less likely to have regrets about how your pet died and how you said good-bye
  • less anxious about facing death
  • more ready and prepared to support your children and others who also love your pet

There are many steps you can take now to prepare, like:

  • talking with your veterinary team about the kind of support they offer, as well as the euthanasia services they provide
  • organizing details about memorials, body care, and child care (if you need it during the appointment time for euthanasia)
  • photographing and videotaping your pet with familiar people and during daily routines
  • finding support for yourself via the pet loss resources in your area or those listed on this website

When you decide to share your life again with a new pet, please remember that We Care and want to support you. Come back to us to learn how to blend memories of your former pet with love for your new one. The circle of life goes around and our care for you continues on.